Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, September 4, 2023
You Are Living the End Times!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of September 2, 2023

The Light is in you, O woman! Write now to My People.
My beloved Children, I am Yahweh your God, your Father:
listen to this My call to conversion, do not be deaf, come to Salvation! Beloved Children, My Heart is plagued with sorrow!
Do not be lost My Children: this is the hour of darkness; Evil reigns over the whole Earth! You will have no escape unless you return to your Creator God! Abandon this sinking boat: listen no longer to the voices of the world but immerse yourselves in prayer and plead for My Mercy. I thunder My Voice over this Humanity that does not want to listen to Me. This is My last appeal to you! O men, you will have no more time for your conversion! Already thunders My Wrath on this wicked Humanity, dedicated to evil, swaggering and irresponsible.
My children,you are living in the end times, take hold of the Holy Scriptures, read, instruct yourselves of the Word of God, of your True God!!! Do not go after the impostor: you will have nothing but sorrow. Sanctify yourselves O men, there is no time to lose, turn away from the false lights, soon all will be dark and your soul will be ravaged by evil if you have not returned to Me! Only in Me will you find salvation. I Am!!!
Love My creatures, it is your Father in Heaven who calls you to conversion! My love is infinite: I will forgive your sins and embrace you back to Me. Kneel down to Me. Do not waver any longer, the hour is already sad! Soon you will not know where to lay your heads. Call Me to your aid, I am ready to succor My Children if they will acknowledge Me as their God and Father. Do not be foolish, O men!
This is the warning of a Father who loves His Children and calls them to order.
Be obedient to Me, Return to Me before the moon goes out, and the ground opens under your feet, and My Wrath takes you by surprise. I bless you.
Source: ➥